Thus far, the first decade of the 21st century not been good to that man who is arguably the world’s most famous Holocaust denier, David Irving. The decade began its very first year with his crushing defeat in the libel lawsuit he instigated against Holocaust historian Professor Deborah Lipstadt, a defeat so resounding that it […]
Category: History
Warning: Some of the links in this post go to hate sites. I include them because I think it’s important for people to see exactly what white supremacists say in their own words, if they are curious to do so and thus learn how low these people will go. However, if you’re at work you […]
…sometimes the good guys win. Congratulations to Ben Goldacre for taking on the supplement quack Matthias Rath and prevailing. That he did it even in the notoriously plaintiff-friendly U.K. court system is even better. Indeed, The Guardian also deserves kudos for supporting Ben in this.
There are some days when I just don’t feel like posting the usual stuff, and September 11 is just one of those days. So today there’ll be no woo-bashing, no evisceration of postmodernist nonsense, no sarcastic assaults on antivaccinationists. In a more serious vein, there won’t be any analyses of scientific papers, clinical studies, or […]
This video was shot by Bob and Bri, who in 2001 lived in a high rise a mere 500 yards from the North Tower. On this seventh anniversary of the September 11 attacks, I think it’s important to post this again. It is the most prolonged and continuous video of the attack that I have […]