Jake and Elwood hated Illinois Nazis. I hate Michigan Nazis. Actually, I hate all Nazis, but I especially detest Nazis from states I’ve lived in, such as Ohio, New Jersey, and Illinois. But worst of all are Michigan Nazis, because it’s my home state, and even worse than that are Detroit Nazis, because that’s my […]
Category: History
The ignorance and stupidity, they burn: Why, yes, actually, we did “allow” Nazi Germany to host the Olympics back in 1936. Hitler even presided over some of the ceremonies. The sign is so wrong that at first I wondered whether it was a Photoshop job, but apparently it’s legit. I realize this photo is from […]
Tony Zirkle, You Are Dumb…
…or so sayeth, well…YOU ARE DUMB. Bryan may be a little late in piling on, but better late than never. Zirkle, as you may recall, was the hapless candidate for the Republican nomination to run for a Congressional seat in northwest Indiana who accepted an invitation to speak at a celebration of Hitler’s 119th birthday […]
Does anyone remember a few months ago, when I wrote about Ben Stein? No? Here, then, I’ll jog your memory. Ben Stein and his involvment in that piece of cinematic excrement Expelled! “inspired” me to–if you’ll excuse the term–resurrect a certain recurring character from the very early days of this blog. Yes, I’m talking about […]
Oh, glorious day! As hard as it is to believe, it’s here once again, and freedom lovers everywhere should rejoice! Yes, indeed, it’s the day that everyone who detests fascism should celebrate: Fuehrerstodestag! (Otherwise known as “Dead Hitler Day.”) Sixty-three years ago today, Adolf Hitler, Führer of the Reich, finally cornered in his rathole, his […]