Anti-Semitism Biology Entertainment/culture History Holocaust Holocaust denial Intelligent design/creationism Movies Pseudoscience

Darwinism leads to anti-Semitism? Or, the commonality of denialist tactics

Well, I’m here in sunny San Diego and about to head on over to the convention center to check out the day’s festivities and to make sure to check out a friend’s poster this morning. (If anyone reading this is attending AACR, you might recognize me by the Plexiglass box full of multi-colored blinking lights […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust News of the Weird

A story that should be an April Fools’ Day joke, but isn’t

Three words you never want your name associated with: Nazi sex scandal.

Anti-Semitism Bioethics Biology Entertainment/culture Evolution History Holocaust Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Movies Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking World War II

A question for Ben Stein: Why are you singling out Darwin and ignoring the true inspirations for the Holocaust, Pasteur and Koch?

Nasal drone Ben Stein, as you would be hard-pressed not to know if you are a regular reader of ScienceBlogs, is hosting what looks to be a truly execrable crap-fest called Expelled!: No Intelligence Allowed. The movie basically consists of two themes: (1) Whining about “intellectual oppression” by those evil “Darwinists” directed against any valiant […]

Anti-Semitism Entertainment/culture Evolution History Holocaust Intelligent design/creationism Movies Politics Pseudoscience Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

Rush Limbaugh gives Expelled! thumbs up

Why am I not surprised? The stupid, it does so burn.

Anti-Semitism Biology Entertainment/culture History Holocaust Intelligent design/creationism Movies Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The Dawkins-Myers incident: Sometimes it’s necessary to break the frame

I really didn’t want to get involved with the whole “framing” debate again. For whatever reason (and they are reasons that I’ve failed to understand), the very mention of the word seems to set certain members of the ScienceBlogs collective into rabid fits of vicious invective that leave rational discourse behind. And, yes, I know […]