Let’s face it. By their very belief in Holocaust denial, Holocaust deniers demonstrate day in and day out that they aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer (or the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, pick your simile). However, occasionally, I come across Holocaust denial that brings stupid to a whole new level, and I […]
Category: History
Here are a few typical eugenicist quotes from early last century: “It is an excellent plan to keep defective people in institutions for here they are not permitted to marry and bear children.” “[Scientists who are working at the task of improving the human race] would like to increase the birth rate of families having […]
Since today seems to be World War II history day on the old blog, I just can’t resist posting this little gem for geeks: A full resolution version can be found here. Of course, the nitpicker geek in me can’t help but point out that, not only is the Swastika on the left arm of […]
I’ll admit it. There have been at least two times since I started blogging that I fell for a dubious story because I exercised insufficient skepticism. The first time occurred very early on in my blogging history when swallowed a story about how legalization of prostitution was claimed to lead to the requirement that unemployed […]
Andrew reminds me that today is a very special day. Yes, indeed, it’s the day that everyone who detests fascism should celebrate: Fuehrerstodestag! (Otherwise known as “Dead Hitler Day.”) Yes, 62 years ago this hour, Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of the Reich, finally cornered, his nation in ruins, offed himself in his bunker in Berlin as […]