First, check out The Daily Show‘s take on the Holocaust denial conference, with goodies like Revision Quest and Just Say No. It’s the show that characterizes the “question” being discussed at the conference as: Was the entire Holocaust an elaborate episode of Punk’d? Best line: David Duke, he’s like the Flock of Seagulls of hate. […]
Category: History
We often hear atheists like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and P. Z. Myers castigating the excesses and irrationality of religion. (Heck, I’m often game for joining in when it comes to fundamentalist religion.) While discussing the recent Holocaust denial conference in Iran, Massimo Pigliucci makes a good point when he argues that focusing on just […]
Given the interest in questions of religion, faith, and atheism among so many of my fellow ScienceBloggers, I’m a bit surprised that none of them picked up on this interesting tidbit of a story: Pythons were probably the first idols to be worshipped by man, archaeologists said after unearthing evidence of a ritual dating back […]
Everyone else is jumping off the bridge; so I thought I would too. Take that, PZ, Joshua, and Afarensis! I’m a monarch, albeit a mad one: Which Historical Lunatic Are You?From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey. You are Charles VI of France, also known as Charles the Mad or Charles the Well-Beloved! A […]
Regular readers of this blog know that I couldn’t leave this one alone. Yesterday, the Holocaust-denying President of Iran Mahmoud realized his promised dream of holding an “academic” conference to “debate” the Holocaust. Not surprisingly, it’s a lovefest for Holocaust deniers. Indeed, many of the most “prominent” Holocaust deniers in the world are now gathered […]