Andrew Mathis over at Flavor Country does it well. Indeed, his demolition of Holocaust deniers on Usenet on the newsgroup alt,revisionism undoubtedly had an influence on what later became my special brand of Respectful Insolenceâ¢. So, sit back and enjoy as he thoroughly fisks an article by Mark Glenn, the webmaster of the Crescent and […]
Category: History
I’ve mentioned one particularly odious (well, more odious) subset of Holocaust deniers, a type that I call the “Holocaust never happened but the Jews deserve it” type of Holocaust denier. These Holocaust deniers claim that either the Holocaust never happened or that it was greatly exaggerated, while at the same time spewing anti-Semitism along the […]
With the internecine sniping that’s been going on lately throughout ScienceBlogs ove Larry Moran’s intemperate “flunk the IDiots” and “Neville Chamberlain school of evolutionists” remarks, or, more specifically, whether opposing ID requires that one oppose religion in general as well, I hesitate to tread here. However, given my interest in the Holocaust, World War II […]
Via Holocaust Controversies, I’ve become aware of a new anti-denier blog, Holocaust Denial Absurdities. Its first couple of posts look promising, such as this description of the censorship of opposing viewpoints that goes on at a denier forum.
The History Carnival
While we’re plugging blog carnivals, why not pay a visit to the History Carnival, over at the Axis of Evel Knievel?