Anti-Semitism History Holocaust denial

A chip off the ol’ block?

I’ve written before about Hutton Gibson (Mel Gibson’s father) and serious crank, conspiracy theorist and proud Holocaust denier. I even speculated, based on Mel’s cagey answers to direct questions about the Holocaust, speculating about whether he shares some of Hutton’s beliefs. I ended up guessing that Mel just didn’t want to criticize his father, no […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust Holocaust denial

I love Andrew’s way of dealing with Holocaust deniers

Enjoy, as blog comrade and fellow traveler in the fight against Holocaust denial Andrew Mathis shows us how it’s done when Holocaust denier Michael Collins Piper writes to threaten to sue him for libel. Andrew asks: Michael Collins Piper: Filthy Jew-hater or twisted anti-Semite? You be the judge! Can I pick “both of the above”?


Bad history

The latest Carnival of Bad History has been posted over at Hiram Hover‘s. If you think the Bush Administration can abuse science, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet when it comes to how history is abused by various people and groups for ideological purposes!


The History Carnival

The 35th History Carnival has been posted at air pollution. Enjoy!

History Hitler Zombie World War II

Perhaps the Hitler Zombie is smarter than we think…

After last week’s reemergence of the Hitler Zombie from his underground crypt to snack on the brains of a couple of political consultants in my home city of Detroit, my sister kindly sent me this link, which explains a bit more of the background. It turns out that the HItler Zombie may be cleverer than […]