Geez, who could have seen this one coming? Straight from the Discovery Institute’s blog regarding atheist and Holocaust denier Larry Darby in reference to his activities against ID in Alabama, Casey Luskin bloviates: An outspoken opponent of the bill has been activist Larry Darby. Mr. Darby’s vehement opposition to the Alabama Academic Freedom Bill was […]
Category: History
I’ve written a lot before about the current President of Iran and his anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, as well as the religious fanaticism of the regime he leads. Here’s more evidence of where theocracy can lead: While the Iranian economy appears to be heading for recession, one sector may have some reason for optimism. That […]
It looks like Orac has acquired a new fan. You see, yesterday I wrote a rather long fisking of Vox Day. (Don’t worry, I’m not going to continue it yet again; this dead horse has clearly been beaten enough). In it, I happened to make a brief mention of and link to an apparent admirer […]
I’m sorry to do this to you again, kind readers, to subject you to Vox Day a second time in the same week. However, I just couldn’t let this pass. Hopefully my traffic won’t fall precipitously as people turn away in disgust at being subjected to too much Vox, but I have to take that […]
Dang it all. I’m not a political blogger by nature, but this week I just can’t seem to help myself, and getting this e-mailed to me didn’t help. I suppose that I can console myself by reminding myself that this is about academic misconduct. I may not be in the social sciences, but certain practices […]