Humor Medicine Paranormal Skepticism/critical thinking

Scientists: Kids have supernatural ability

How on earth did I miss this article, which describes a paper to be published in the journal Neuroquantology showing how teens can actually have telekinetic powers? Oh, wait. Look at the date it was published. Never mind. Not bad, though.

Blogging Humor

How much cussing happens on this blog?

I’m actually surprised it’s that high: Created by OnePlusYou – Free Online Dating Must be some of the commenters. I have been known on occasion to use the word “bullshit” with reference to, for example, David Kirby, but I really do try to keep this blog fairly clean as far as cussing goes.

Biology Evolution Humor Religion Science

Richard Dawkins and the Age of the Machine

Hilarious, particularly “big-pimpin’” Daddy Dennett: I can’t make up my mind if it’s meant to skewer Dawkins or whether it’s meant ironically as a way of making fun of ID creationists and how they view Dawkins…

Anti-Semitism Biology Entertainment/culture Evolution History Holocaust Humor Intelligent design/creationism Movies News of the Weird Pseudoscience Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

Things that make me smile, Saturday edition, part 1: Creationists shooting themselves in the foot

The other night, I wrote about how the painfully inept and just plain dumb actions of the producer of Expelled!, the neuron-apoptosing movie that’s basically an extended argumentum ad Nazium against the dreaded “Darwinism” that blames Hitler, Stalin, and, apparently, puppy hatred on Charles Darwin himself. Basically, the producers were having one of their private […]

Anti-Semitism Entertainment/culture History Holocaust Humor Intelligent design/creationism Movies Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

P.Z. Expelled!, Dawkins in…

…to see Expelled! In perhaps the funniest incident I can recall involving a fellow ScienceBlogger since there has been ScienceBlogs, earlier this evening scourges of “intelligent design” creationism P. Z. Myers and Richard Dawkins went to see a screening of the antievolution pro-ID creationism movie Expelled! in the Minneapolis area. The guards recognized P.Z. and […]