A clueless white power ranger creates a list of his favorite movies. Hilarity ensues

A clueless white power ranger creates a list of his favorite movies. Hilarity ensues
I’m on the road for the weekend, and Internet access will likely be spotty until sometime Monday afternoon. Does that mean Orac has abandoned his readers? O ye of little faith! Of course not! There are scheduled posts in the meantime; that is, assuming that ScienceBlog’s post scheduling feature doesn’t let me down. Lately, it’s […]
…when it comes to “9/11 Truthers”: (Click on the picture for the rest of the cartoon.) You know, the same thing could be said about creationists, HIV/AIDS denialists, and many “CAM” mavens.
It’s Superbowl Sunday. Even someone who’s not much of a football fan and who doesn’t really care much one way or the other about either team can’t help but get caught up in the hype a little bit. In any case, there seems little point to doing any serious blog posts today, given that (1) […]
It’s been a while since I’ve posted any fan mail, but I did get one a few days ago that amused me. It came from someone with a ‘nym of “Baxtour”. I post it because it represents a common flavor of antivaccinationist response to my blog: You are a fucking moron, which I’m sure you […]