While looking for a birthday card for a relative a while back, I found this card and was intrigued enough to buy it, even though it wasn’t appropriate for the person for whom I was seeking a card: So far, it’s just pretty standard Bush-chimp stuff, a staple of comedy ever since W. took office. […]
Category: Intelligent design/creationism
It is with some trepidation that I approach the latest target of Your Friday Dose of Woo. No, it’s not because the woo is so potent that it has actually struck the fear of You-Know-Who in me (I leave it up to readers to determine whether I was referring to God or Valdemort), although it […]
Apparently the guys over at Denialism.com have irritated Bill Dembski and his band of merry sycophants over at Uncommon Descent. All I can say is: Uncommon Descent, meet the Galileo Gambit. Oh, you’ve already met the Galileo Gambit, I see. That must be the explanation for why you do the Galileo Gambit whine so well…
I was going to try to be a good boy. Really, I was. I had been planning on answering a question about the early detection of tumors. It was an opportune time to do so, given the recent news of cancer recurrence in Elizabeth Edwards and Tony Snow, coupled with a couple of papers I […]
Really, this guy is making that very argument with a straight face! My brain hurts after seeing such unbelievable stupidity presented as a viable argument by Chuck Missler, the minister who founded the Koinonia House. This makes Dr. Egnor‘s blather seem intelligent by comparison. It’s even more idiotic than the now-infamous video that claimed that […]