Earlier this week, the New York Times op-ed page ran an article by Alina Chan, Queen of lab leak conspiracy theories. How is it wrong? Let me count the ways…
Category: Medicine
Antivax Grande Dame Barbara Loe Fisher is lamenting how without warning her old friend, quack tycoon Joe Mercola, cut off his regular financial support of her antivax org. What’s going on here?
One quirk of having blogged so long is that sometimes cranks you’ve blogged about reappear after a long disappearance. So it was when antivax wunderkind Jake Crosby retracted a bogus critique of a study that failed to find a link between MMR vaccines and autism.
Perusing the hellscape that is what Twitter has degenerated into as X, I found an alternative cancer cure testimonial, which led me into “functional health” nonsense that I hadn’t encountered before. Introducing FitScriptâ„¢, “functional” cancer quackery.
Tech bro turned antivax propagandist Steve Kirsch reinvents how to challenge a scientific consensus, basically offering $1 million to reinvent the wheel.