One of the consistent themes of this blog since the very beginning has been that alternative medicine treatments, before being accepted, should be subject to the same standards of evidence as “conventional” medical therapies. When advocates of evidence-based medicine (EBM) like myself say this, we are frequently treated with excuses from advocates of alternative medicine […]
Category: Medicine
A couple of days ago, I commented on the sad case of Jennifer Strange, the woman who entered a water drinking contest and died, apparently of water intoxication. While listening to the radio this morning as I got ready for work, I heard pundits discussing the case, and one of them stated that she had […]
A truly pointless way to die
After competing in a water-drinking contest to win a Wii for her children, a young mother died of water intoxication: SACRAMENTO, California (AP) — A woman who competed in a radio station’s contest to see how much water she could drink without going to the bathroom died of water intoxication, the coroner’s office said Saturday. […]
I’ve lamented numerous times (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) about the sometimes painful ignorance of biology and evolutionary theory that’s all too common among my fellow physicians, an ignorance that leads to truly embarrassing forays into the “debate” over the pseudoscience of “intelligent design” versus the real science of evolution, an example of which includes […]
Even though women are an increasing proportion of doctors, it’s still true that most physicians are men. And what better way for big pharma to influence those men than with hot young female pharmaceutical reps? And where better to find hot young female pharmaceutical reps than in cheerleading squads? I therefore introduce to you the […]