Medicine Surgery

Something every surgeon should have: LifeStat

Here’s something I’ve been meaning to post for a while that somehow got buried in my list of cool, weird, or interesting links. One of the things they teach surgeons and emergency medicine doctors about is how to use common materials at hand to do, MacGyver-like, a cricothyroidotomy to save the life of someone who […]

Autism Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Has it really been a whole year?

One year ago today, I discovered a rather amusing bit of chicanery on the part of an old “friend,” namely J. B. Handley, the proprietor of and driving force behind Generation Rescue, the group that claims that all autism (not just some, not just some, but all) is a “misdiagnosis” for mercury poisoning. Given that […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Quackery

Your Friday Dose of Woo: A little Thanksgiving bonus woo to help you melt away the pounds

For the holidays, I thought I’d include a brief little bit of woo that seems not quite extensive enough for a full treatment in Your Friday Dose of Woo but is nonetheless a tasty woo morsel for your edification that fits in with the usual Thanksgiving theme of overindulgence in various foods and the deleterious […]


Thanksgiving carnivalia

Here’s some reading to keep you entertained while the Respectfully Insolent gang loads up on turkey: 1. Grand Rounds Vol. 3, No. 9 (albeit a couple of days late) 2. Tangled Bank #67: Giving Thanks for Science 3. The Carnival of Bad History No. 11

Blogging Medicine

Dr. DB needs to be hit hard

So hit him. Hit him hard. He’s 40,000 hits away from 1,000,000 visits. Help get him over the top. Given that I’m starting to get in that range (866,000 hits as of this morning), here’s hoping someone will help me out in around two or three months, which is when I estimate that I’ll be […]