I’m about a week late on this one. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if some of my readers were wondering why I hadn’t weighed in on this story when it broke late last week. (Either that, or no one was wondering, and I’m just displaying some of my surgeon’s ego for all to see.) […]
Category: Medicine
Pediatric Grand Rounds, vol. 1, no. 18 has been posted at Breath Spa for Kids: No cuddly Santa for us, My Hearties. This is a swashbuckling, buccaneering sort of Paediatric Grand Rounds, I have looted and pillaged various blogs and seized control of the Good Ship PGR. For those so inclined, there’s also a non-pirate […]
Dr. Flea’s a guy after my own heart. He’s been blogging about vaccines, and now he’s getting into specific diseases. He’s posted an installment about the vaccine against Haemophilus influenza type B: The first American children to receive the Hib vaccine are turning 20 years old this year. Flea wasn’t practicing medicine in the pre-Hib […]
New vaccine blog
Well this looks interesting, a new blog by the author of Vaccine: The Controversial Story of Medicine’s Greatest Lifesaver, Arthur Allen. Looks like something I may have to check out. Allen captures why various conditions like autism are so readily attributed by parents to vaccines: The history of vaccination is criss-crossed with controversies. The allegation […]
I wish I could say that this was unexpected, but, given the politics and backwardness of Libya, it wasn’t. The Tripoli Six (a. k. a. the Benghazi Six) have been found guilty by a kangaroo court in Libya: A Libyan court has sentenced five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor to death for knowingly infecting […]