Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

FAQ: Woo versus non-woo

I don’t think I could have done it much better, if at all. Dr. R.W. presents, in FAQ-form, a primer on the difference between woo and conventional medicine, even conventional modalities that are weakly grounded in evidence. A couple of examples: Many of mainstream medicine’s conventional treatments are not evidence based. Aren’t they a form […]

Bioethics Medicine Religion

Separating doctoring from doctrine

You may recall how I’ve criticized the infiltration of woo into medical school and medical education in general. Such an infiltration threatens the scientific basis behind the hard-won success of so much of modern medicine over the last century. Unfortunately, woo isn’t the only threat to scientific medicine. Now, there is a growing movement that […]

Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Happy belated blogiversary to Terra Sigillata

I must have fallen behind in my blog reading, which led me not to notice that Abel Pharmboy over at Terra Sigillata just celebrated his first blogiversary on Friday. Here’s to another successful year of science blogging! If you want to get a taste of what Abel’s about, he just posted two good analyses of […]

Autism Biology Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Science

Pros and cons of chelation for lead exposure

Here’s an interesting little tidbit of a study: Newswise — Lead chelation therapy — a chemical treatment to remove lead from the body — can significantly reduce learning and behavioral problems that result from lead exposure, a Cornell study of young rats finds. However, in a further finding that has implications for the treatment of […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine

Your Friday Dose of Woo: I need this like I need a hole in the head

This week sucked. OK, it was the last two or three days that sucked, but they were bad enough to ruin the whole week. The only reason my blogging didn’t reflect this is because most of the posts over the last couple of days were actually written earlier this week, and the true magnitude of […]