Cancer Medicine Surgery

What is a surgical oncologist?

Although I’ve mentioned before that I am a surgical oncologist, but I recently noticed that, in nearly five months of blogging, I’ve yet to explain exactly what that is or what it means. I’ve written about all sorts of things, ranging from alternative medicine, to the evolution-creationism conflict, to the Holocaust, to even trying my […]

Announcements Medicine

Grand Rounds, vol. 3, no. 11

Grand Rounds vol. 3, no. 11 has been posted at The Antidote. Enjoy!

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Religion

Your Friday Dose of Woo: The great spirit squid of doom DIABETES

It’s been five months since I first started Your Friday Dose of Woo. I started it on a whim, after wondering if I should have a Friday feature, as so many other ScienceBloggers do (Friday Cephalopod, Friday Sprog Blogging, The Friday Fermentable, among others). In those five months, this thing has taken on a life […]


Change of Shift

Change of Shift, the blog carnival for nursing, has been post at Fat Doctor.

Bioethics History Holocaust Medicine Religion

Dawkins and eugenics revisited

When I wrote a post about how Richard Dawkins was being unjustly smeared as supporting Hitler-style eugenics by the religious blogosphere, I figured I might provoke some criticism, particularly since I didn’t just stop there. No, in a bit of what some may consider blogging hubris, I couldn’t resist trying to discuss under what circumstances […]