Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

A physician takes umbrage at Orac’s criticisms of medical schools

A couple of days ago, I wrote a criticism of the increasing tendency to teach woo in American medical schools and then later followed up with a post questioning the contention that teaching woo has the benefit of improving the doctor-patient relationship. A physician going by the ‘nym Solo Practitioner took umbrage: As a physician, […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

CAM in medical schools: A marketing tool?

Fellow ScienceBlogger (I’m not all that enamored of the term “SciBling”) Abel Pharmboy has finally weighed in on the issue of alternative medicine woo finding its way into medical school curricula and its promotion by the American Medical Student Association, which Dr. RW, Joseph, and I have been discussing the last few days. Besides using […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Can teaching CAM improve the doctor-patient relationship?

My recent post (coupled with similar posts by Dr. R. W. and Abel Pharmboy) about the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) and its credulous promotion of non-evidence-based alternative medicine while posing as being “skeptical” of big pharma brought this rejoinder from Joseph of Corpus Callosum, in which he took issue with one aspect of my […]


From the U.K.: A new Change of Shift

Change of Shift, the blog carnival for nursing, comes to us from the U.K. at Life in the NHS.

Medicine Science

Proposed changes in the NIH grant process

Effect Measure has a good post about the NIH granting process. I’m not going to rehash what revere said, as far as the description of what happens once a grant application arrives at the NIH and how it winds its way through the Initial Review Group to one of many study sections through programmatic review. […]