You may have noticed that I opted out of the last two or three weeks worth of Ask a ScienceBlogger questions. The last couple of weeks it was because the questions simply didn’t interest me, and the week before that it was because i just plain forgot. This week, however, our overlords at SEED Magazine […]
Category: Medicine
I thought this was a joke when a reader e-mailed me about it. I mean, it’s just so over-the-top that I had a hard time believing that it was real. It was (found via MacDailyNews):
Here we are, five and a half years into George W. Bush’s Presidency, and he’s not yet vetoed a bill. Not even a single bill. All sorts of bad legislation have been passed, from the bankruptcy reform legislation that makes it harder for people to start again after declaring bankruptcy, to budgets containing huge increases […]
Grand Rounds
This week’s Grand Rounds has been posted at ChronicBabe.
Only two days left…
The time is rapidly approaching again. This Thursday, the latest edition of the Skeptics’ Circle, the only blog carnival that I’m aware of that is dedicated to skepticism and critical thinking, is scheduled to appear at Mike’s Weekly Skeptic Rant, which means you have only two days to get your best skeptical blogging to Mike, […]