Via Kevin, MD, here’s a Washington Post article describing how the religious beliefs of health care practitioners result in the denial of care. Here are some examples:
Category: Medicine
Many of the bloggers here at ScienceBlogs lament about the woeful state of science knowledge among the U.S. public. This ignorance about the basics of science and the scientific method has been blamed on many things, whether it be the poor quality of science education in the public schools, an all-too-prevalent view of science as […]
It was a sad day when of the earliest and most prolific medbloggers, Medpundit retired from blogging a couple of months ago. However, like many of us, she’s found that she just can’t keep out of the blogospher, and, via Kevin, M.D. and GruntDoc, I’ve learned that she’s back: Well, it’s official. I’m a blogging […]
Pediatric Grand Rounds
Pediatric Grand Rounds, vol. 1, no. 7 has been posted at Check it out.
From The Daily Mail: British holidaymakers are putting their lives at risk by relying on homeopathy to protect them against malaria, doctors have warned. The medical experts condemned the practice of prescribing pills and potions made from tree bark, swamp water and rotting plants as ‘outrageous quackery’ and ‘dangerous nonsense’. Their warning follows an undercover […]