Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

How long before I run out of variations on the same lame joke about answering my Seed overlords?

It seems a reasonable question to ask, given my propensity for it. Unfortunately that’s not what our Seed overlords asked this week. This week, they ask: If you could shake the public and make them understand one scientific idea, what would it be? Predictably, some ScienceBloggers answered: evolution and what it really means, not the […]


Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful

Wow, I wish I had the balls to make this retort to prisoners that used to be brought to the E.R. when I was still a resident. I just hope he had a security guard like the one we used to have at our county hospital when I was a resident. This guy was close […]

Medicine Quackery

Battling quackery in “conventional” medicine

Grant crunch time again yesterday. That means it’s the perfect time once again to dig up something from the archives of old blog and repost it here. This particular piece originally appeared on January 12, 2005, just shy of one month after I started blogging. I’m guessing once again that, because not many people were […]


Call for articles for The Skeptics’ Circle

The 35th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle is fast approaching. It will be published this Thursday, and the deadline is Wednesday evening. The host this time is skeptical blogging stalwart Skeptico, and his instructions regarding the deadline and how to submit can be found here. Overall guidelines and the schedule of past and future Skeptics’ […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Too much sciency-ness for the vitamin industry?

Damn if PZ didn’t beat me to this one: A federal panel concluded yesterday that there is not enough evidence to recommend for or against use of multivitamins and minerals — the popular dietary supplements taken by more than half of American adults in the hope of preventing heart disease, cancer and other chronic illnesses. […]