Evolution Medicine

Medicine and Evolution, part 4a: Physicians seduced by “intelligent design” creationism (revisited briefly)

Wow. There was quite a response to yesterday’s piece about why doctors are seduced by the pseudoscience of “intelligent design” creationism, more so than I expected from what I thought might be a dry topic. A couple of the comments provoked by the post are worth discussing briefly in a separate post, rather than my […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine

Medicine and Evolution, Part 4: Physicians seduced by “intelligent design” creationism

I’ve been meaning to write about this topic for a long time. In fact, ever since our illustrious Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who also happens to be a Harvard-educated cardiac surgeon, came out in favor of teaching “intelligent design” creationism alongside evolution in public school science classes back in August, I’ve been meaning to […]


Grand Rounds is up!

Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 30, is up at Fat Doctor. Enjoy.

Autism Medicine Quackery

Vox responds

A few days ago, I fisked the antivaccination posturings of a certain “Libertarian Christian commenator” regarding the Geiers’ claim that mercury in the thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is a major cause of autism. Many of the comments predicted that Vox wouldn’t respond. (Personally, I was hoping that he would but, based on […]


Oh great…

Cannibal killers have blogs now too….right here.