Autism Medicine Quackery

Vox responds

A few days ago, I fisked the antivaccination posturings of a certain “Libertarian Christian commenator” regarding the Geiers’ claim that mercury in the thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is a major cause of autism. Many of the comments predicted that Vox wouldn’t respond. (Personally, I was hoping that he would but, based on […]


Oh great…

Cannibal killers have blogs now too….right here.

Medicine Religion

If Sharia ever comes to Canada, Canadian doctors had better invest in a herd of camels

Who needs malpractice insurance, when you could have Sharia law? Check out this question to an Imam by a Canadian doctor regarding his culpability if a patient of his dies, and the Imam’s answer: Here’s the question (typos not corrected): Im a doctor and i want to ask about if i make a mistake that […]

Autism Medicine Quackery Religion

More Scientology madness

With all the nuttiness coming out of Tom Cruise in the name of Scientology, it’s often forgotten that there are a lot of other Scientologists out there in Hollywood. One of the other most prominent ones is John Travolta. Compared to Tom Cruise, John Travolta seems, superficially at least, the height of reason. Certainly he’s […]


The 32nd Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle

I have to hand it to Matt (a.k.a. The Pooflinger). When he hosts a Skeptics’ Circle, he does it up right. Last time, he envisioned the 21st Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle as a Shakespearean play. This time around, he envisions a very frightening future world in which credulity and religious fanaticism have been dominant […]