Last week, I inaugurated a new series on this blog entitled Medicine and Evolution. I even wrote what was to be the second post in the series, a post that (I hoped) would illustrate the utility of applying approaches used to study evolution to human disease. That post is essentially complete, other than requiring the […]
Category: Medicine
Does my weblog own me?
My wife would say yes. But, because all the other ScienceBloggers appear to be doing it, I had to take this test to find out: 18.75 % My weblog owns 18.75 % of me.Does your weblog own you? It’s actually not as bad as I had feared. It would actually only be 12.5% if I […]
If I were one of the cops facing this guy, I’d be seriously tempted to put my gun aside and say, “You win. Go ahead and leave.” At least no one other than the perpetrator was hurt.
Longtime readers of this blog may have noticed that, since my move to ScienceBlogs six weeks ago, I haven’t written nearly as much about evolution or intelligent design as I used to on the old blog.. There are probably at least several reasons for this. For one thing, lots of other topics have forced their […]
evolgen reports that that Specter-Harken amendment to restore some of the cuts to the NIH budget and provide a modest increase necessary to prevent the our biomedical research effort from slowly eroding. Support was broad, and it was bipartisan. (No doubt it doesn’t hurt that this is an election year.) However, this is just the […]