I had wanted to let this cup pass, but couldn’t, not after several readers e-mailed it to me and I went and experienced its inanity first hand. As Michael Corleone said in The Godfather, Part III: “Just when I thought I was finally out, they drag me back in again!” In this case, it was […]
Category: Medicine
Tangled Bank #48
Tangled Bank #48 has been posted at fellow ScienceBlogger Tara’s Aetiology. Go forth and enjoy the best the science blogosphere has to offer. While I’m carnival barking, don’t forget that the deadline for the Skeptics’ Circle is tonight. The Circle is scheduled to appear at The Huge Entity (cue many puns and jokes using the […]
A while back, I wrote about Airborne, the “herbal” concoction designed by a schoolteacher that is touted as preventing colds and the flu if taken preemptively or lessening their severity if taken early on in the course of a cold. I concluded that there was no evidence that it did what Victoria Knight-McDowell, a schoolteacher […]
Nonmedical people always seem to have a conception of surgery as being a particularly glamorous profession. So did I to some extent before I entered medical school, although my surgical rotations quickly disabused me of that impression. Somehow, working from 5 AM to 11 PM every day and several hours each day on the weekends, […]
Let’s make this Skeptics’ Circle…huge!
Time really flies, doesn’t it? In fact, the next meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle will soon be upon us this Thursday. I’m anticipating that it will be…huge, as it’s being hosted by none other than The Huge Entity. The Huge One has placed his contact information and submission guidelines here. More general submission guidelines, plus […]