
Orac knows a lot of other things too

Continuing my series of posts designed to categorize and archive essential insolence from the old blog, I now continue with some miscellaneous tidbits: The EneMan files (Dedicated to the very strange character who is this weblog’s de facto mascot) Orac’s encounter with Derek Jeter I never realized “Zero tolerance”=”Zero common sense” Kentucky Zombie update Inauguration […]


The Twenty-eighth Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle

The Twenty-eight Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle has come to order at Unused and Probably Unusable, and Eh Nonymous has done a great job at gathering the best examples of skeptical blogging from the last two weeks into, of all things, a courtroom scene: WHEREFORE the 28th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle was convened on […]


Orac knows medicine and surgery

In a continuing series of posts, for the benefit of new readers (and a trip down memory lane for old readers), I now present: Wearing two hats (and part 2) What is a surgical oncologist? The deadly power of denial: Personal observations Also see Part 2: It’s not always denial; Part 3: Fear; and Part […]


Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 21

Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 21 has been posted at Intueri. The last time Maria hosted Grand Rounds, she envisioned it as a menu in a restaurant, which, while creative, was mildly disgusting. This time, she wants to help you make your Valentine’s Day love connection.

Medicine Surgery

Angst in my pants*: Academic surgeons lament their lot

*With apologies to Sparks. You’d think that a meeting of surgeons in such a beautiful and sunny city as San Diego would be one big party. Well, it was to some extent outside of the meeting, but the meeting itself was a bit of a drag. Academic surgeons are not a happy lot these days, […]