Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Medicine Movies Popular culture Quackery Television

Et tu, Anthony Edwards and Dustin Hoffman?

It looks as though the Jenny McCarthy woo factor has claimed two more celebrity victims’ brains. If a recently viewed press release is any indication, it appears that Anthony Edwards and Dustin Hoffman are getting into the autism quackery business: Internet Marketing Company joins Jenny McCarthy, Jim Carrey, Dustin Hoffman, Anthony Edwards and others in […]

Biology Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Movies Politics Pseudoscience Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The (not-so-)Beautiful (un)Truth: The “alternative” medicine movement gets an Expelled! to call its very own

The things I do for my readers. I’m referring to a movie entitled The Beautiful Truth, links to whose website and trailers several of you have e-mailed to me over the last couple of weeks. Maybe it’s because the movie is only showing in New York and Los Angeles and hasn’t made it out of […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Medicine Movies Popular culture Quackery Television

The Age of Autism challenges the Pharynguloid hordes

Readers may be wondering why I haven’t written about Jenny McCarthy’s latest brain dead outburst against Amanda Peet. (Actually, brain dead is too kind a description of it, given that Jenny’s retort in essence boils down to her having an “angry mob” on her side making Amanda “completely wrong.”) It’s because I decided to try […]

Entertainment/culture History Movies Science fiction/fantasy Television World War II

Hitler pans the Torchwood season finale

Ever since it appeared as an “adult” spinoff of Doctor Who, I’ve had a love-hate relationship with Torchwood. The first season was about as uneven as anything I’ve ever seen, ranging from a truly execrable (and, even worse, unforgivably stupidly and badly written) “homage” to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Countrycide) that ranks among the worst […]

Entertainment/culture Movies

The obligatory holiday weekend Indiana Jones open thread

It’s Memorial Day weekend here in the States. For those of us lucky enough not to be on call, working retail, or otherwise being forced to go to work, it means three days away from work. Although I’ll be working a bit on various protocols and papers, it nonetheless means three days away from the […]