Entertainment/culture History Hitler Zombie Music Science fiction/fantasy

When Nazi zombies attack…

The Hitler Zombie definitely approves of this movie: Too bad I don’t speak German or Norwegian, because here’s the movie website, and here’s another trailer sans subtitles: I wonder if I can take some stills from this trailer to use the next time I feel “inspired” (at least I like to call it that) to […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Humor Medicine Music Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

If you open your mind too much, your brains will fall out…

This about sums it up for me:

Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Humor Medicine Music Paranormal Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Saturday morning lazy YouTube: Sensitive New Age Guys

Unfortunately, I’m going to be ensconced in my Sanctum Sanctorum most of the day, pounding out text far less fun than the text I like to pound out for Respectful Insolence. However, I have to admit that this video sums up the attitude behind a whole lot of woo that I like to apply a […]

Entertainment/culture Medicine Music

Breathe, breathe in the air

No, it’s not Pink Floyd, but I needed surgery, I’d want these guys trying to wake me up after it was over: They don’t have to sing about it while they’re doing it, though. After I’m safely awake and in the recovery room would be fine.

Entertainment/culture Music Science fiction/fantasy Television

Doctor Who versus Eminem versus Benny Hill

Why? Because I love Doctor Who and Benny Hill (although I was never much of an Eminem fan) and because it’s funny, that’s why. Besides, it’s a beautiful Saturday, and I’m feeling too lazy to post anything substantive this morning. That’s all the reason I need.