The last couple of days have been a bit surreal, haven’t they? After all, how often does this box of blinking lights get into a blog altercation with a Libertarian comic over global warming? Actually, it was a commentary on bad reasoning, but global warming happened to be the topic. In the aftermath of my […]
Category: News of the Weird
As I mentioned yesterday, I recently perused all the e-mails that Gmail had flagged as spam and to my dismay found a lot of legitimate e-mail, including mailing list e-mails and Movable Type e-mails notifying me of comments being caught up in the filter. However, I found something scarier than that. In fact, I found […]
Some people just have too much money and too much time on their hands. I mean, why on earth would you do this after purchasing an iPhone, the cheapest of which is $499? This is just sheer stupidity; it doesn’t even show very well how the thing is put together because they basically just destroy […]
I have this syndrome!
Finally, there’s a word for a feeling that many people have no doubt experienced many times: Some call it “phantom vibration syndrome.” Others prefer “vibranxiety” — the feeling when you answer your vibrating cellphone, only to find it never vibrated at all. “It started happening about three years ago, when I first got a cellphone,” […]
A sign of the times, part 2
This story’s being sent about as an example of stupid criminals, àla News of the Weird, but I just view it as a sign of the times: Bellacino’s Pizzeria closes at 9 p.m. That’s when one of the employees left work out a back door, where his car was parked. He was approached by […]