Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Humor Medicine Music Paranormal Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Saturday morning lazy YouTube: Sensitive New Age Guys

Unfortunately, I’m going to be ensconced in my Sanctum Sanctorum most of the day, pounding out text far less fun than the text I like to pound out for Respectful Insolence. However, I have to admit that this video sums up the attitude behind a whole lot of woo that I like to apply a […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Paranormal Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: Generation woo

I realize that I’ve been mighty hard on Jenny McCarthy these last several months. I’ve made fun of her for her idiocy, her arrogance of ignorance, and her antivaccination lunacy, not to mention her utter ignorance of science, and, yes, I’ve been rather vicious at times. However, she richly deserved it. Indeed, I argue that […]

Autism Medicine Paranormal Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

When psychics attack, autistic children suffer

I just shook my head as I perused this item on Pharyngula earlier this morning. What else can you do? The irrationality and lunacy is beyond belief as I read a story about a mother named Colleen Leduc called into school because a report of sexual abuse was made about her autistic daughter Victoria: The […]

Autism Medicine Paranormal Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

Good for a giggle on a Sunday afternoon: The cause of autism explained

John Le Sainte apparently has a rather inflated view of himself. You see, he seems to think that he’s the heir to Nostradamus. Ever worth a giggle on a Sunday afternoon (or any other time, for that matter), he seems to think that, channeling Nostradamus in some fashion, he’s predicted what will be discovered to […]

News of the Weird Paranormal Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

Alien or puppet? You be the judge!

Even here at the ASCO meeting, I couldn’t help but be made aware (thanks to Steve Novella and others) about a brand-spanking new video of a supposed encounter with an alien that–unlike all the other dubious videos of alleged alien encounters–according to its maker will really and truly convince you that, really and truly, Aliens […]