Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

The “logic” of 9/11 Truthers

I know, I know. and Screw Loose Change already posted this, but it’s just such a lovely loony example of the “logic” used by 9/11 conspiracy theorists (a.k.a. “9/11 Truthers”) that I couldn’t resist posting it too. Here, we see a 9/11 Truther “duplicating” the fall of one of the Twin Towers with stackable […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

The Tripoli Six revisited

Last fall, I and quite a few other bloggers wrote about the Tripoli Six. These are six foreign medical workers arrested for allegedly intentionally infecting over 400 children with HIV in a Libyan hospital and, thanks to the ignorant hysteria whipped up against them and the need of the Libyan government to find scapegoats for […]

History News of the Weird Politics

Vileness staining Memorial Day

This is not free speech; it’s vandalism: ORCAS ISLAND, Wash. — Vandals burned dozens of small American flags that decorated veterans’ graves for Memorial Day and replaced many of them with hand-drawn swastikas, authorities said Monday. Forty-six flag standards were found empty and another 33 flags were in charred tatters Sunday in the cemetery, authorities […]

History Politics

Memorial Day

Here in the U.S, it’s Memorial Day, the day that we set aside to pay tribute to our men and women in uniform who have put their lives on the line to defend our nation in its wars. On this day, I’d like to present a few links and thoughts: Here’s my post about Memorial […]

History Holocaust Holocaust denial Politics Skepticism/critical thinking World War II

Wingnut of wingnuts: Vox just can’t help himself

Well, well, well. Remember about a year ago, when Libertarian wingnut Vox Day shot himself in the foot big time by using a warped logic to argue that because it was “possible” for Hitler to round up six million Jews in four years then it’s not “impossible” for us to round up 12 million illegal […]