Politics Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Al Gore’s planet fever: Stupidest analogy about global warming ever?

I just heard on the radio last night while driving home what has to be one of the worst analogy about global warming that I’ve ever heard, and, at the risk of annoying fellow SB’ers who frequently write about these topics, like Chris Mooney or Tim Lambert, I felt like commenting. Oddly enough, the soundbite […]

Holocaust Politics

Maybe there’s hope for common sense about free speech in Europe after all

Back in October, I wrote about an appalling case in Germany, in which a German anti-Nazi activist named Juergen Kamm was fined €3,600 for selling left-wing garb adorned with modified Swastikas designed to mock neo-Nazis because he ran afoul of a law in Germany that forbids the use of Nazi symbols, regardless of context. It […]

Humor News of the Weird Politics

The Stupidest Things Ever Said, Number 2: The Free Speech Edition

Continuing Orac’s quest for truly stupid quotes from The 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said calendar, this time a couple of tasty stupid morsels about free speech: Here’s entry number 1, from the February 17, 2007 entry in the calendar: “We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech!”–Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women’s Studies […]

News of the Weird Politics Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

Some woo I can almost support

Apparently, our President brings “bad energy” wherever he goes, requiring some strong woo to cleanse the area after he leaves: Maya leaders are to perform a special cleaning ceremony at ancient ruins to clear bad energy after a visit by President Bush. Mr Bush is due at the Mayan ruins of Iximche in Guatemala as […]

News of the Weird Politics Religion

Now here’s a candidate who could really sink his teeth into the job

With nearly 20 months to go before the election itself and 10 months before even the first primaries, I’m already bored with the Presidential election of 2008. None of the current candidates does anything for me. One’s a total lightweight who’s in no way ready to be President, and I utterly loathe two others. My […]