At the risk of irritating a fellow ScienceBlogger again, I thought I’d point out this little post forwarded to me by Norm Jenson as yet another example of exactly the inflated hype for dichloroacetate as a “cure for cancer” that will “never see the light of day” because it has little profit potential (and, by […]
Category: Politics
I haven’t seen a Broadway play in quite a while now, but it may be time for that to change. In the New York Times, I came across an ad for a revival of Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee´s 1955 courtroom drama Inherit the Wind: This revival of the play stars two great actors, […]
The other day, I did a reality check on a story making the rounds through the blogosphere about an alleged new cure for cancer that, if you believe some hysterical bloggers, is being suppressed because it would cut into their profits. I took one blogger to task for what I characterized as the “utterly ridiculous […]
I would have written about this one on Friday, except that Your Friday Dose of Woo had to be served up. (You did read last week’s YFDoW, didn’t you? It was a particularly loopy bit of woo, with a bad computer interface grafted on to it, to boot!) The reason I wanted to write about […]
Regular readers of this blog know that I have a particular dislike for Holocaust denial and that, indeed, I’ve tried to do my small part to counter the lies spread by Holocaust deniers, beginning on Usenet eight years ago. Regular readers will also know my opinion regarding laws in certain European countries such as Germany […]