Announcements Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

Chris Mooney on Point of Inquiry

Fellow ScienceBlogger and author of The Republican War on Science Chris Mooney was interviewed for one of my favorite podcasts, Point of Inquiry, the official podcast for The Center for Inquiry, this week. It’s well worth checking out. I don’t agree with everything in Mooney’s book (which I finally finished reading about a month ago), […]

Medicine Politics Science Sports

Schadenfreude: At least the Tigers don’t have Jeff Suppan and David Eckstein

I feel for you, ScienceBlogs compatriot Afarensis. I really do. Sure, your Cardinals beat my Tigers in the World Series last week. Sure, the Tigers made a lot of embarrassing errors and showed every sign of letting their youth and inexperience lead them to choking under the pressure. Sure at times the Tigers looked like […]

Bioethics Medicine Politics

Jon Swift on Rush Limbaugh

Last week, I wrote a couple of posts about Rush Limbaugh’s despicable attacks on Michael J. Fox for appearing in an ad for a Democrat who supports loosening the federal ban on funding for embryonic stem cell research. Somehow, I missed the fact that Jon Swift also wrote on the topic. And, as is typical, […]

Politics Religion Science fiction/fantasy

Wingnuts against Harry Potter–again

It seems to be the time of the year for this sort of thing. Yes, I realize that the Harry Potter novels have come under attack from various fundamentalist Christians, who view them as somehow indoctrinating children into witchcraft, Wicca, demon worship, or whatever. I also realize that I may be a bit behind the […]

Humor Politics

A truly scary Halloween costume

Leave it to Jason Foxtrot…