Medicine Politics Science Sports

Another reason to hope that the Tigers crush the Cardinals tonight (as if one were needed): Jeff Suppan on stem cell research

This one’s for you, Afarensis (all in good fun, of course–well, for the most part, anyway): Here’s Jeff Suppan, pitcher for the Cardinals (who, it just so happens, will be starting game four of the World Series tonight) appearing prominently along with Patricia Heaton, Jim Caviezel, and other celebrities in a predictably lame “response” ad […]

Medicine Politics

More on Michael J. Fox

Yesterday, I wrote about a rather disgusting and ignorant tirade by Rush Limbaugh about Michael J. Fox, in which Limbaugh accused Fox of either faking Parkinsons’s symptoms or purposely not taking his medications before taping an ad in which he supported a Democratic candidate because she supports stem cell research. Advice Goddess gives us more […]


Despicable rhetoric from Rush Limbaugh about Michael J. Fox

Yesterday afternoon, while working on grants, I was flipping through radio channels, and I came across something that stopped my dial twiddling in its tracks. It was Rush Limbaugh, and he was trashing Michael J. Fox for making a commercial in support of stem cell research. As you may recall, Michael J. Fox is the […]

Politics Science fiction/fantasy

Colbert demolishes Rick Santorum’s Lord of the Rings analogy

Die-hard Tolkien fan that I am, I was struck at how breath-takingly stupid an analogy this was, even for Rick Santorum. For one thing, as Lance Manion points out, the forces of good didn’t start the war. For another thing, Frodo in essence failed. He succumbed to the temptation of the One Ring at the […]

Politics Religion

Michael Moore vs. Fred Phelps

These days, I tend to detest Michael Moore almost as much as I detest Ann Coulter. However, as they say, a stopped watch is correct twice a day, and occasionally Moore can come up with something that’s so spot on funny and appropriate that even I have to give him props. (This used to happen […]