Anti-Semitism Holocaust denial Politics

A candidate for funniest and most idiotic comment all in one

The other day, I posted about the reaction in the white power ranger blogosphere to Mel Gibson’s little anti-Semitic tirade. Apparently a blogger by the name of Occidentalist took umbrage in the comments at my having pointed out that the rantings about “the synagogue of Satan” contained on an anti-Semitic blog were, in fact, anti-Semitic […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Politics Quackery

Ron Rosenbaum on the Cherrix case

Ron Rosenbaum on Starchild Abraham Cherrix and his choosing the Hoxsey treatment over chemotherapy: Young Cherrix has expressed his feelings this way to the Associated Press: “I’ll fight until I do die. I’m not going to let it go. I would rather die healthy and strong and in my house than die in a hospital […]

Anti-Semitism Holocaust denial Politics

My last post about Mel Gibson’s drunken tirade for now: The hardcore anti-Semites weigh in

Now that Mel Gibson has apologized for his anti-Semitic tirade during his arrest for DUI last week and the ADL has accepted Gibson’s apology, everyone is discussing what the fallout will be among the Hollywood elite, many of whom happen to be Jewish. Ever the contrarian, using my knowledge of the darker places of the […]

Anti-Semitism Holocaust denial Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

Abe Foxman calling for a “hate crime” investigation for Mel Gibson’s anti-Semitic remarks? Probably not.

I had seriously considered jumping all over this story when I first saw it early Monday morning. After all, look at the headline: Jewish groups call for hate-crime probe on Mel Gibson A more truly ominous thing to be calling for based on a drunken anti-Semitic tirade I have a hard time imagining. As you […]

History Hitler Zombie Holocaust Politics

Jon Stewart on idiotic Hitler analogies

With the appearance of the Hitler Zombie twice in less than a month on this blog, Andrew Mathis was inspired to send me this YouTube video. He’s right; it’s perhaps the best commentary I’ve heard about the use of the Hitler analogy or argumentum ad Nazium to demonize one’s political opponents.