I can’t stand Ann Coulter, but this response to her vileness is just plain stupid and plays right into her hands as “evidence” supporting the attacks Democrats that she makes in her book: QUIGLEY/STENDER CALL ON NJ MERCHANTS TO BAN SALE OF ‘VICIOUS’ COULTER BOOK Hate-filled Attacks on NJ 9-11 Widows Has No Place on […]
Category: Politics
Ed over at Dispatches from the Culture Wars has been on a tear lately defending the ACLU against spurious attacks from right wingers and religious. Now I see that that dreaded atheistic, America-hating organization has invaded a little too close to home, coming into my area of the country.Clearly any real God-fearing American can’t let […]
A few days ago, given that light of the “intelligent design” creationism movement, William Dembski, had bragged about how much he had helped Ann Coulter write the chapters in her latest screed (Godless: The Church of Liberalism) attacking evolution, I had wondered what he might think now of being associated with her, given some of […]
A couple of days ago, on the Day of the Beast (6/6/06), Ann Coulter took the opportunity to unleash yet another spray of spittle-drenched attacks on liberals (Godless: The Church of Liberalism) into bookstores across the nation. As is her schtick, she’s made quite the stir over the airwaves by making very inflammatory and offensive […]
First, the good news: Holocaust-denying, white nationalist, atheist nutjob Larry Darby lost the Democratic primary for Attorney General in Alabama. Now the bad news: He somehow managed to garner 43.53% of the vote. His opponent got 56.47%. It wasn’t close, but it was a hell of a lot closer than I thought it would be. […]