This has to be one of the most idiotic laws I’ve ever heard of. It’s so mind-bogglingly unjust that no further comment is really necessary other than that it would have been a minor matter indeed to fix the law so it could achieve its intended purpose (to prevent overcrowding) while not tearing families apart. […]
Category: Politics
Dang it all. I’m not a political blogger by nature, but this week I just can’t seem to help myself, and getting this e-mailed to me didn’t help. I suppose that I can console myself by reminding myself that this is about academic misconduct. I may not be in the social sciences, but certain practices […]
While I’m being more political than usual, how about one more… I normally detest Sean Hannity. Basically, he’s Rush Limbaugh without the flashes of cleverness or humor. However, this time, he’s got it right on. I may be around three or four weeks behind the curve on this, but it’s worth looking at the video […]

Immigration has been on a lot of people’s minds lately with the nomination of Donald Trump for President by the Republican Party. In that spirit, I’ve resurrected a ten year old post that shows just how old and horrible Trump’s promise to deport 11-12 million immigrants in this country illegally—also, just how ridiculously impractical it would be and how much it would require an authoritarian state.
The other day, I mentioned an atheist named Larry Darby who happened to be an anti-Semite and Holocaust denier. I was perturbed because this clown was coming far too close to my neck of the woods for comfort, and the stench of his vileness offended me. Because Darby is an atheist, not surprisingly fellow ScienceBloggers […]