
Is this what we’re fighting for?

American soldiers are still fighting and dying in Afghanistan. It’s not nearly as many as in Iraq, and there aren’t nearly as many news stories about it, to be sure, but we are still spending blood and treasure to “stabilize” this supremely dysfunctional nation. The reason, we are told, is to bring freedom and to […]

Cancer Politics

Support cancer research by supporting the Spector-Harkin Amendment

Evolgen and I both wrote about this earlier, when the Genetics Society of America urged people to contact their Senators. Now the biggest organization dedicated to cancer research, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), has weighed in. Received in my e-mail today: To: All AACR Members From: Dr. Margaret Foti, Chief Executive Officer; Dr. […]

Anti-Semitism Holocaust denial Politics

They’re not too bright, are they?

Excerpts from an e-mail to Professor Deborah Lipstadt criticizing her for taking Holocaust denier Arthur Butz to task during an interview on FOX News: Although I am not anti-semitic, your Jewish greed is overbearing and crippling. The world is beginning to see the collective Jewish attempt to control the world economy and world media. […] […]

Entertainment/culture Politics Science fiction/fantasy

Jesus versus the vampires

After yesterday’s all-out frontal assault on a dubious scientific journal (which, by the way, you should still read if you haven’t already), how about some lighter fare for today? A couple of months ago, when the fury of fundamentalist Muslims was directed at Denmark for the publication by one of its newspapers of cartoons portraying […]

Medicine Politics Pseudoscience Quackery

The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons: Medical “science” as dubious as it gets

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons appears to be a legitimate medical professional group. It’s not. It’s a far right wing group of doctors masquerading as a professional society. Its journal reflects that by being packed with pseudoscience and antivaccine misinformation.