Evolution Politics Science

A Snow job on evolution

If you want to see how depressingly ignorant about science President Bush’s new Press Secretary Tony Snow is, you need go no further than this rant at Bad Astronomy about Snow’s assertions about evolution confidently made in obviously complete ignorance about science, what a theory is, what a hypothesis is, or what evolutionary theory actually […]


Ten Amendments Day

You may not know this, but today has been designated Ten Commandments Day. It sounds pretty innocuous, right? After all, why would anyone object to a celebration of the Ten Commandments? And, of course, it’s every American’s right under the First Amendment to celebrate the precepts of his or her religion. Nothing wrong with that. […]

Politics Science

Communist “science”

Yesterday was May Day, and Catallarchy has posted its annual Day of Remembrance for for the victims of Communism. Of particular interest to readers of this blog is a rather extensive article about just what can happen when political ideology is allowed to warp science, specifically what happened to science under Communism because of Trofim […]

Humor Politics

24: The Terrorists Have Won

As you may know, I’m totally hooked on 24, and with only four episodes to go I’m getting antsy to see how it all ends. In the meantime, however, it’s hard not to be amused by Tom Tomorrow’s appropriation of one of my favorite shows: I wonder if they’re referring to this blog?


Derf on President Bush’s popularity

Having lived in Cleveland for 8 years, I appreciate a Cleveland guy Derf‘s take on things. Even as a conserative-leaning sort, I have come to the conclusion that I’m with Barney as far as our President goes: Click for the full size version.