Bioethics Clinical trials Medicine Popular culture Science Surgery Television

I’d rather have a free bottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy

I’ve pointed out before that pover the last couple of years I’ve become a bit of a fan of old time radio, having discovered Radio Classics on Sirius XM Radio. I don’t remember how I discovered it, but I rapidly became hooked on shows like Suspense, Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar, The Whistler, Gunsmoke, Dragnet, The […]

Antivaccine nonsense Entertainment/culture Medicine Popular culture Television

Donald Trump: A “monster shot” causes autism

As I mentioned yesterday, I’m at the American Association for Cancer Research meeting imbibing the latest and greatest that science-based medicine has to offer against cancer. The AACR is mainly a basic science and translational meeting; so a lot of this stuff is seriously preclinical. That’s what makes it interesting, though. In any case, my […]

Antivaccine nonsense Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Movies Popular culture Quackery Television

The Contagion of conspiracy mongering and pseudoscience

Unfortunately, I don’t get to see very many movies these days. My wife and I both lead very busy lives, and with periodic spasms of grant writing, plus several new administrative responsibilities, it’s just hard. Last weekend, however, a movie that I’d rather like to see came out. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen it yet; so […]

Anti-Semitism Entertainment/culture History Holocaust Holocaust denial Music Popular culture World War II

Maybe there is hope after all, or: A most unexpected change of heart

Since I was still recovering from TAM9 last night and crashed on the couch at around 9 PM, I didn’t have time for one of my usual logorrheic posts. I did, however, have time to take note of an update on a story I started covering six years ago. One of the greatest things about […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Medicine Popular culture Quackery Television

Epic rap battles: ZDoggMD versus Dr. Oz

It had to be done. With all the quackery and pseudoscience promoted by TV doctors like Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and “The Doctors,” sooner or later someone had to choose a manner other than blogging to call them out. ZDoggMD has done just that, particularly dissing Dr. Oz. Why? Why not. Because: Why dis Dr. […]