Bad science Clinical trials Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

Yet another negative ivermectin study, this time in the NEJM

Yesterday the The New England Journal of Medicine published a high quality clinical trial that found no benefit in treating COVID-19 with ivermectin. Cue attacks on the study.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Pseudoscience

Autopsies for everyone will end vaccine misinformation immediately?

Tech bro turned antivaxxer Steve Kirsch has a simple solution that will end vaccine misinformation: An autopsy for everyone who dies within 2 months of COVID vaccination. So simple, yet so wrong.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

How can germ theory denial explain contagion?

Germ theory denial has always had a hard time explaining the contagiousness of infectious diseases—until now, apparently. According to “Dr.” Melissa Sell, it’s all about the vibes, ma-an!

Autism Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

MMS (a.k.a. bleach) as a “cure” for COVID-19

Bleach…it had to be…bleach. Again. This time around, it’s being used to treat COVID-19, because of course it is. MMS is a slasher quackery. No matter how often it appears to have died, it always returns for another installment in its quackery franchise.

Bad science Cancer Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

Mark Sircus: MMS (bleach) for COVID “vaccine-induced cancer”

Mark Sircus is a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who’s now promoting MMS (bleach) for COVID-19 “vaccine-induced cancer.”