Geez, I might as well just put a paper bag over my head right now around my fellow ScienceBloggers. You’ve heard me lament before about the woeful ignorance about biology and evolution common among all too many doctors. (You haven’t? Well check here, here, here, and here.) Heck, you’ve even heard me lament about it […]
Category: Pseudoscience
You know, like the namesake of my nom de blog, I’m not immune to a little vanity. Indeed, I daresay that no human is. What differs among humans are two things: the level of vanity and what we’re vain about. Given that I don’t have all that much in the looks department going on, it’s […]
Apparently my handy-dandy Only Response You’ll Ever Need To Choprawoo, written in response to the last volley of Choprawoo to hit the blogosphere, hit a nerve. Chopra sycophant and blog comment spammer extraordinaire “ChopraFan” was none too pleased with it. Good. I have to wonder if “ChopraFan” is either Chopra himself or whether he or […]
Yesterday, I explained why a study that purports to show that psychotic patients tended to vote for President Bush in the 2004 election and is presently making the rounds to snarky gloating through the left-wing blogosphere is so utterly flawed that almost certainly does not mean what the author claims it does, given the data […]
I have to take this opportunity to express a bit of disappointment in one of my fellow SB’ers. When I encounter a study that seems to confirm my biases, as a skeptic, I try very hard to be even more skeptical than usual, because I would hate to be caught trumpeting a weak or bogus […]