Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

Dr. Pierre Kory has gone all-in on anti-statin quackery

COVID contrarian turned antivax crank Dr. Pierre Kory has now embraced statin denial quackery. His evolution from COVID contrarian to all-purpose quack is now complete.

Cancer Medicine Quackery

FLCCC co-founder Paul Marik has gone full cancer quack

FLCCC co-founder Dr. Paul Marik has gone full cancer quack, deceptively disparaging chemotherapy to promote his grift of “repurposed drugs.” Everything old is new again.

Cancer Medicine Quackery

FitScriptâ„¢: Yet more “functional” cancer quackery

Perusing the hellscape that is what Twitter has degenerated into as X, I found an alternative cancer cure testimonial, which led me into “functional health” nonsense that I hadn’t encountered before. Introducing FitScriptâ„¢, “functional” cancer quackery.

Medicine Popular culture Quackery

The Washington Post flubs it with an advertorial on IV drips

A couple of weeks ago, the New York Times’ botched “vaccine injury.” Unfortunately, The Washington Post botched discussing “IV drips” even worse.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

The FLCCC bestows the fake title of “senior fellow” to twelve antivax quacks

The COVID-19 quacks and grifters at the FLCCC have named twelve quacks as “senior fellow,” the better to further antivax conspiracy theories and, of course, grift.