Anyone who reads this blog knows my opinion of homeopathy. Just type “homeopathy” in the little search box on the left side of this blog, and you’ll be greeted with many, many posts dating back to the very beginnings of Orac’s presence on ScienceBlogs. Of course, science is with me on this one, as it […]
Category: Quackery
With the invasion of the orbs discussed earlier today, it’s become apparent to me that now, more than ever, a healthy dose of skepticism and critical thinking is imperative. Fortunately, the Skeptics’ Circle is fast approaching and due to land on Thursday, February 28 at the Conspiracy Factory. So, if you’re a skeptical blogger who […]
I’ve written a few posts now pointing out how, its claims that it is not “antivaccine” notwithstanding, for the mercury militia and those who think mercury in vaccines or vaccines themselves cause autism, it really is all about the vaccines, not any single ingredient, even mercury. I first noticed this nearly three years ago, and, […]
A blogger’s duty calls: (Click for the full-sized version.) It’s true: A skeptical blogger’s work is never done! When pseudoscience or quackery is noticed on the Internet, no mater what time of day or night, this skeptical blogger cannot resist the call to craft a takedown. Just ask my wife.
Via WhiteCoat Underground, I’ve learned of a most disturbing development. Remember Le Canard Noir? He’s the skeptical blogger whose Quackometer was one of my favorite websites and tools for identifying pseudoscience and quackery caused him to run afoul of the Society of Homeopaths and a highly dubious practitioner named Joseph Chikelue Obi, both of whom […]