Vibrations. After a year and a half of doing Your Friday Dose of Woo every week with only a couple of breaks, it’s all I can feel or hear sometimes. Vibrations. What is it about woo and “vibrations,” “harmonics,” or “waves,” anyway? It doesn’t matter if it’s sound waves or electromagnetic waves. Somehow the denizens […]
Category: Quackery
…and he gets it right here. If only someone with some sanity could actually sit down with Trump, as portrayed in the post above.
Any Oklahoma City skeptics out there reading this? I just found an event that could use the presence of some actual science-minded individuals to refute the nonsense that’s going to be there. It’s an event called Educate Before You Vaccinate, and it’s happening on January 19. Looking at the pamphlet advertising the event, I see […]
If the pontifications of Orac are too–shall we say?–insolent for your taste, you’ll be happy to know that there’s a new group blog in town designed to provide a serious “alternative” voice of reason and science to discuss the claims made in favor of “alternative” medicine. Spearheaded by Steve Novella, President of the New England […]
Although this may be more up Abel Pharmboy‘s alley than mine, there was an article in the New York Times yesterday that indirectly demolished one of the favorite claims of advocates of “natural” medicines and cures. Appropriately enough, it appeared in the Business section. It also demonstrated just what a big business finding natural compounds […]