Yesterday’s mega-post left me a bit drained; consequently I’ve throttled my ambitions back a notch today in order to leave some energy to put together the weekly installation of Your Friday Dose of Woo tomorrow. Fortunately, just the topic presented itself: A story that’s interesting and instructive (hopefully) but that won’t take as much of […]
Category: Quackery
Over the last couple of days, I’ve discussed “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM) in terms of a meme upon which evolutionary forces are acting to select certain forms of woo over others in academia. Although, in my usual inimitable fashion, I probably carried the concept one step too far, in the end I concluded that […]
I was always wondering when he’d finally weigh in on alternative medicine, and now Sid has. It’s a slapdown worthy of Orac, Dr. R.W., or Panda Bear MD. Go forth and read it. Not quite as snarky as Orac (but, then, Sid’s a classy guy), but every bit as outraged.
Yesterday, inspired by a post by fellow ScienceBlogger Martin, I had a little fun discussing the evolution of “alternative” medicine (a.k.a. “complementary and alternative medicine” or CAM), specifically speculating about the possible selective pressures, positive and negative, that have influenced the course that its evolution took. Essentially, the discussion centered around whether, by its very […]
I wish I had thought of this one, but I didn’t. However, I never let a little thing like not having thought of an idea first to stop me from discussing it, and this particular idea is definitely worth expanding upon because (1) it’s interesting and (2) it combines two of my interests, alternative medicine […]