Way back when I first started my blog, one of my favorite blogs was A Photon in the Darkness, in which Prometheus regularly demolished quackery, particularly autism-related quackery. Sadly, Prometheus’ blogging has become more and more sporadic over the last year or so, with gaps sometimes longer than a month between posts. I was worried […]
Category: Quackery
Kevin Leitch informs me that DAN/ARI are asking people to leave a message for Andrew Wakefield. Yes, that Andrew Wakefield, the man who almost single-handedly started a scare over the MMR vaccine, the man who was paid by lawyers and was either so clueless, careless, and/or dishonest (take your pick) that the lab where he […]
Hot on the heels of the first Orac-free Skeptics’ Circle in two years, amazingly, another Skeptics’ Circle is coming around the pike far faster than I would have expected. This time around, it will be hosted by a most able blogger, Brent Rasmussen over at the very prominent skeptical blog, Unscrewing the Unscrutable. Brent’s hosted […]
I debated about whether to do Your Friday Dose of Woo this week. I really wasn’t sure if I was up to it. As regular readers know, I was on vacation in London during the last week in August. Unfortunately, I returned to the news of a death in the family on my wife’s side, […]
Due to a death in the family, I have to go back into the vaults of the old blog for some more reposts. Regular blogging should resume in a day or two. This particular post first appeared on February 1, 2006. Here’s something I wish there was more of, the criminal prosecution of quacks when […]