Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Spot the flaw in the argument in this pitch…

Somehow, I don’t know how, I managed to wind up on the mailing list of über-woomeister Dr. Joseph Mercola, who’s almost as bad as Mike Adams, only less blatantly crazy in pushing conspiracy theories. Yesterday, I received this pitch by e-mail:

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

The world according to the FDA and Big Pharma?

I’m a bit cranky right now. Long time readers are familiar with the logorrhea that usually characterizes this blog. Fans love it; detractors hate it, Some may have noticed a bit of paucity of blogging, at least relatively speaking. There’s a good reason for this. Not only was I out of town last weekend, but […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Religion Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

I may have to fire up BitTorrent for this one: Richard Dawkins vs. alternative medicine

The third season of Doctor Who is over. There’s nothing on the horizon for many months (such as the return of Doctor Who or Torchwood) that’s interesting enough to me coming out of the U.K. that I’d go to the trouble of firing up BitTorrent to check it out, rather than wait until it somehow […]

Blogging Humor Medicine Quackery

Thank heaven it was only a dream…

…or was it? I’m pretty sure it was. The dream needed a little bit more of a zingy ending, though, like waking up and finding Bobby Ewing still alive or finding out that everything that happened at the hospital was the fantasy of an autistic boy. Or something like that

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery

More on legalized quackery in Arizona

Yesterday, when I wrote about a death in Arizona caused by a homeopath doing liposuction, what amazed me the most was that homeopaths are licensed in Arizona. Although I alluded to it only briefly in yesterday’s post, I was truly astounded at what homeopaths are allowed to do in Arizona. It piqued my curiosity–and horror. […]