I wrote about this classic crank gambit a bit about a week and a half ago, emphasizing that no amount of studies will convince a crank. Now, MarkH at denialism.com takes on the same issue in more detail so that I don’t have to bother with David Kirby’s latest spew. Thanks, MarkH! The point is […]
Category: Quackery
Here’s something I’ve wanted to try for a while now. It’ll either be wildly successful and popular, along the lines of You Might Be an Altie If…, or it’ll be an utter failure, sinking into oblivion. Which one it ends up being will be up to you, O faithful readers of Your Friday Dose of […]
Yesterday, I did a deconstruction of Generation Rescue’s dubious “study” (in reality an automated telephone poll) that claims to show that vaccines increase the rate of autism and other “neurologic diseases.” Now skeptical blogger extraordinaire Prometheus has posted his own excellent deconstruction at his blog A Photon in the Darkness. I said it before, if […]
Pity poor Deepak Chopra. I’ve abused him on this blog many times, even coining a word (“Choprawoo”) for the silliness that emanates from his keyboard every time he posts his inanity to the Huffington Post or his own IntentBlog. I even wrote the only response ever needed to Choprawoo. Of course, he richly deserves the […]
Once again, I was going to post about the amusing homeopath that I’ve come across, and once again something came up with the whole Autism Omnibus came up, leaving our poor homeopath to wait a little while longer for the loving application of a bit of Respectful Insolence⢠that she so clearly craves. If you’re […]