If not, then American Medical Student Association‘s got it for you, all in a nice, compact 15 page pocket manual. True, there’s some standard advice about diet and some useful information about herbal remedies, but there’s the now usual (from AMSA, anyway) credulous treatment of all sorts of woo, including homeopathy, Reiki, fasting, vitamin supplements, […]
Category: Quackery
You may recall Dr. Lorraine Day, the former Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital in the 1980’s who, after developing breast cancer, became a consummate altie, selling various dubious “natural, alternative therapies for all diseases, including cancer and AIDS.” Somewhere along the line, sadly, she also became a rabid anti-Semite and Holocaust […]
I’m on the record multiple times as saying that I reject the entire concept and nomenclature of “alternative medicine” as being distinct from “conventional” medicine as a false dichotomy, when in reality there should be just “medicine.” Moreover, this “medicine” remaining should, whenever possible, be based on sound scientific and clinical trial evidence. In essence, […]
Well, not exactly “no comment.” You know that Orac, being the annoyingly obnoxious skeptic that he is, has to put at least two cents in. This one’s just plain odd. I knew Rosie O’Donnell’s not exactly the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, and she also borders on being a creduloid, at least with respect […]
It’s Friday, which means that it’s time once again to delve deeply into the world of woo, all for your edification and (I hope) education. Even though I started out with less motivation than usual for tending to the blog, it actually turned out to be yet another rather eventful and surprisingly productive week on […]