Before I move on to other topics, I can’t resist one last comment about the corrupt and sleazy Andrew Wakefield, the man who, with the help of heaping piles of cash from lawyers, almost singlehandedly produced a scare over the possibility that the MMR vaccine causes autism so large that vaccination rates in the U.K. […]
Category: Quackery
In case anyone from Southern California of a skeptical bent is interested in attending the debate about whether thimerosal in vaccines causes autism, here is the event information that I mentioned yesterday: Vaccines and Autism, Is There a Connection? A Thoughtful Debate Saturday, January 13, 2007 Featuring: David Kirby – Author, Evidence of Harm and […]
It’s always a shame to see a once confident man reduced to whining. Well, maybe not always. Sometimes it’s immensely satisfying, particularly when that man happens to be David Kirby, who, through his book Evidence of Harm, Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy, was one of the two men most responsible […]
It’s back. Yes, I was wondering what would be the best way to start out a brand new year of Your Friday Dose of Woo. Once again, as is all too unfortunately the case, there was an embarrassment of riches, a veritable cornucopia of woo out there, each one seemingly just as worthy of Orac’s […]
You know, like the namesake of my nom de blog, I’m not immune to a little vanity. Indeed, I daresay that no human is. What differs among humans are two things: the level of vanity and what we’re vain about. Given that I don’t have all that much in the looks department going on, it’s […]